New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos


In these difficult economic times we must reform our regressive tax system, not create new draconian sales taxes that burden our City's working families, while cutting vital services like health care and education that we need. We should create new economic incentive programs to encourage growth and job creation. I had the privilege of working on one such progressive economic program, the Second Avenue Subway Construction Grants Program, while serving as Chief of Staff to&nbsp;<a href="; target="_BLANK"><strong>Assemblyman Jonathan L. Bing</strong></a>. This program would provide economic and technical support to small businesses that were negatively affected by the construction of the Second Avenue Subway. Through innovative economic development and tax reform we will combat the threat of rows of empty store fronts and maintain a vibrant community by helping to keep small independently owned and operated businesses open and preserving jobs through even the most difficult of economic times.

New York Daily News NYC councilman gets carpenters’ kudos for Manhattan borough president run by Shant Shahrigian

NYC councilman gets carpenters’ kudos for Manhattan borough president run

Councilman Ben Kallos has scored an endorsement from a 20,000-strong union for his Manhattan borough president run.

The New York City and Vicinity District Council of Carpenters and Joiners of America and its nine local chapters gave its seal of approval on Monday.

“When the carpenters stood up to irresponsible developers who would put workers in dangerous situations just to make a buck, Council Member Ben Kallos was there and he will continue to stand with us to protect workers and residents alike as the next Manhattan Borough President,” the union’s executive secretary Joseph Geiger said in a statement.

The councilman previously got endorsements from the New York Professional Nurses Union, Communications Workers of America Local 1101, Steamfitters Local 638 and others.

Politico First in Playbook: The International Union of Operating Engineers’ six New York locals are endorsing City Council Member Ben Kallos by Erin Durkin

First in Playbook: The International Union of Operating Engineers’ six New York locals are endorsing City Council Member Ben Kallos

FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — The International Union of Operating Engineers’ six New York locals are endorsing City Council Member Ben Kallos, who last week launched an early bid for Manhattan borough president. Kallos has pushed bills to track construction deaths and injuries and to require workers on city-subsidized projects to get prevailing wage.

New York Daily News Kurland and Kallos: A Tale Of Two Lawyers (Running For City Council) by Celeste Katz

Kurland and Kallos: A Tale Of Two Lawyers (Running For City Council)

Across town, Kallos -- who seeks to succeed Councilwoman Jessica Lappin -- has a letter circulating from Utility Workers Union of America Local 1-2 President Harry Farrell urging other labor leaders to join the Kallos campaign.

"In four years when we go back to the table with Con Edison we want City Council Member Benjamin Kallos standing alongside us to ensure another victory," Farrell writes, calling Kallos "a particularly vigorous advocate for broad and strong prevailing wage legislation."

Kallos is a familiar face in political circles, having served as Mark Green's policy director, chief of staff to former Assemblyman Jonathan Bing and executive director of Bill Samuels' New Roosevelt group.

TheMusic.FM NYC: Thurs Event Supports Council Candidate Ben Kallos (And Your Right to Dance) with DJ Myron Nay by TheMusic.FM

NYC: Thurs Event Supports Council Candidate Ben Kallos (And Your Right to Dance) with DJ Myron Nay

A friend of TheMusic.FM is running for City Council and one of his many on-point positions is the need to reform New York’s ridiculous cabaret laws which make dancing illegal in most establishments.