New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos

Liz Benjamin

YNN's Capital Tonight: State of Politics Bill ‘Nice Guy’ Samuels for LG by Liz Benjamin

Bill ‘Nice Guy’ Samuels for LG


Samuels is running on a “five pillars of reform” platform (redistricting, member items, outside income etc. – the usual), but insists he’s not a protest candidate and is in the race to win. The one thing he won’t do, however, is fight dirty.

Samuels has hired Ben Kallos (that’s Mr. Open Legislation, to you) to do “research,” stressing that “research” does not mean “oppo,” which he finds “boring.” (Interestingly, Kallos last worked for Mark Green’s 2009 public advocate campaign, during which Green said he swore off oppo, too).