As lifelong tenant, Ben knows what it's like to have his rent spiked to force his family out, and during a high-risk pregnancy no less. Living through this pandemic in a market-rate one-bedroom with his wife, daughter, and cat, Ben knows first hand that despite all the vacant apartments everyone is talking about New York City still has an affordable housing crisis.
Real estate developers get billions in tax breaks, corrupt politicians get thousands in contributions, and tenants pay for it all. That's why Ben has always refused big money from real estate developers, corporations, and lobbyists. This has freed Ben to fight for tenants by building and preserving affordable housing and against the displacement of affordable housing by overdevelopment.
Hundreds of thousands of affordable homes will now be available for re-rental thanks to a law Ben wrote, with 6,000 affordable homes built or preserved on city land under his oversight and 1,000 affordable apartments built or preserved in his district alone. Ben also won the first-of-its-kind, community-led rezoning to stop Billionaire's Row. He then led the rezoning of residential neighborhoods throughout the city to stop the construction of artificially all buildings with empty voids just to give billionaires better views. Ben even wrote the law to turn down the volume on after-hours construction. And he won three rent freezes for one million rent-regulated tenants.
As Borough President, Ben will continue working for tenants, fighting to
- Build tall and build affordable
- Create real investment, repairs, and rights for NYCHA tenants, and
- Stop Billionaire's Row